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Sonntag, 30. September 2012

Joan Conway: Bunny Girl

Quelle: hodder.co.uk
Verlag: Hodder & Stoughton
Seiten: 377
Veröffentlicht am: 04.01.2001
Preis: 5.99 £
ISBN: 9780340766279
Mehr Infos und Bestellmöglichkeit: Link zur Verlagswebsite

Ein **-Buch

Well, I have different feelings about this book...I think that the last hundred pages were much better that the rest, but I have to admit that I can't really say if this is because I read them half-drunk or if they really WERE better because finally something happened and finally Ciara was becoming more sympathetic ;)

By the way, I've read 3 chicklit books in a row now and each heroine was selfish, ignorant and quite slow and I don't get the point of it. Aren't books of this genre supposed to be light entertainment? And don't have the heroines to be funny and maybe a bit clumsy but in a girl-from-next-door kind of way or at least a there-are-enough-similarities-so-I-can-identify-myself-with-her-but-as-an-addition-she-can-afford-Manolos-and-I-can't way as a result of this? So what's the point of designing a heroine that I wouldn't like to drink a coffee with?

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